Re:ON "Finishing 2018", 12/27!

12月27日にRe:ON「Finishing 2018」ショーを開演いたします。

On December 27th, Re:ON will hold "Finishing 2018" dance show.
For more info, please follow the Re:ON Official Twitter, blog, etc.

Re:ON BAR, 11/10!


On November 10th, Re:ON will open the BAR style show.
For more info, please follow the Re:ON Official Twitter, blog, etc.

Re:ON "Autumn grass", 10/10!

10月10日にRe:ON「Autumn grass」ショーを開演いたします。

On October 10th, Re:ON will hold "Autumn grass" dance show.
For more info, please follow the Re:ON Official Twitter, blog, etc.

Dance Show Again at Re:ON BAR, 7/12!

7月12日にRe:ON BAR営業で、先日の新作公演を再演いたします。

On July 12th, Re:ON BAR will hold a replication of the latest dance show.
For more info, please follow the Re:ON Official Twitter, blog, etc.

Official Blog Opened!


I opened my official blog "KY+WORDS".