*English message is written below the Japanese one*



今回は景品だけでなく、商品も準備してみました。今からはPose Demo Sceneとでも言いましょうか、ポーズDEMO用の景観を準備したいと思っているところです。


Hi all!
Now it's middle of April, and getting warmer and warmer.
But sometimes it's still as cold as a winter day like yesterday... I have to wait to put away knit clothes.

Well, after the March event, maybe because I've got too loosened up, I caught a cold in early April. I had a fever which was rare for me, so I rested during the whole week.
I already fully recovered, but just am very sleepy every day as the Japanese proverb says "In spring one sleeps a sleep that knows no dawn" lol
Meanwhile, the new era name of Japan was announced... when I was sleeping. I miss the old time a little to feel that one era is going to finish, but it seems a very happy event that we can welcome the new era brightly. (Usually, the Japanese era changes when an emperor of the era passes away. But this time, the emperor "retires" alive, so Japan is surrounded by a festive mood.)
I'd like to start something new...! But what should I do? No good idea is come up with now, so someday I may report "I'm now doing this!" suddenly lol

In SL, I almost finished the preparation of the upcoming hunt event.
This time, I release not only a prize but also a product. I'm going to create something like a Pose Demo Scene, meaning the scene set for the pose demo.
The details will be soon!
Also, I'll change my profile photo around next week. At first the photographer and I considered to use cherry blossoms, but its season has gone, so please look forward what flower we choose!
And, in May, Re:ON will have a performance at the main theater. This time I can't release a new act, but I'd like to perform something pleasant. I will update the details too as soon as it's decided.

That's all for today, please take care and see you soon!