*English message is written below the Japanese one*

先日は、Re:ON『Autumn grass』公演にご来場下さり、誠にありがとうございました!




Thank you for coming to the Re:ON "Autumn grass" show!
Although we announced late about the date and program, we are very glad and thankful to be able to welcome a lot of audience.

In the program, I danced TWO(!) acts.
The first one was the one I talked in the last post, the duet dance. This time would be 3rd time(?) to perform, so I'm not used to dance it yet.
But, a duet dance is a dance which I have a partner for, who gives me a huge power, and I can stand on the stage only with the thought that I want to show "our" atmosphere and story.
To talk about a solo act, I am the only dancer on the stage, so it means there is nothing but me to see, even for the animation check, so I become very strangely nervous. But to talk about a duet dance or group act, I can watch out each dancer in order to make him/her shine much more, and staring him/her even gives me relaxation... how great to have a dance partner!
It can be true of the team dance, my second act in this show, in which some audience join to dance. On one hand it gives me a tension so that both the dancing and seeing audience can enjoy. On the other hand, the dancing members differ every time, so this is the first and last chance to dance with this member, which I feel like a treasure moment. Also, the each participant enjoys freely by changing their costume and chatting "yay!" Seeing them makes me feel that they are actually the one who give me power.
So I'm glad if you can have an enjoyable time with us again next time.

Also, I should talk about my dance poster. I asked my photographer to take it in short time and in her busy time.
I really appreciate her for finishing the wonderful one.
In the photo session, she suggested me 4 posters - 2 colors and 2 monotones. The other poster was taken to show the last scene, and I used a monotone photo of this dance as my profile picture of last sceries, so I wanted to have some connection. That's why I chose the one you saw.
Could I become a nice lady(?!) like the poster?
The photographer taught me the working process in the color ver, but when I saw the original pictures, as usual, I really never know how they could be finished to the poster....

Well, I still have a lot to talk about, but this time I will stop here.
Thank you so much.
I hope to see you in the next show!
(... or we might open Re:ON Bar days. I will announce the details when decided!)