*English message is written below the Japanese one.*



ただ、RLで10月中旬に舞台がありまして、SLのダンスの音楽を聴きっぱなしで作業すると、頭が混乱してしまいそうなので、ダンスアニメーション選びはもう少しお預けかなぁと思っています。構成やスクリプトをブラッシュアップする期間にしようか、お世話になっているjapan canvas SIMさんのハロウィンイベントの商品か景品を作ろうか・・・、ちょっと悩むところです。
9月中旬ごろには、プロフィールのお写真を撮っていただきました。今回は、ハロウィンのダンスで使う予定のGenus Headのキリエをご覧いただけます(笑)。ヘッドごとに本当に色んな特徴があって、面白いですね!CHIBIT含めて、どれを使っても「キリエ」だなぁと思っていただけるようにしたいなと思っています。
そして!9月末は久々に、ANCさんのお手伝いをさせていただきましたっ。誰かと作業したり、一緒に1つのものを作ったりするのは、やっぱり楽しいですね!かわいい傘のガチャで、どれでもきっと使いやすそうと思います。Salem Eventにて、一度お手に取っていただけたら嬉しいです。


Hi all!
It's been a long time since I posted my message last time. I can't believe it's turning into October now...!
How have you been?

Well, about this month... especially in RL, the temperture in Japan has been very weird. It repeats getting colder and hotter, so I'm not in good shape a little. BUT! I experienced a bigger deal for me...! Guess what! I got my wisdom tooth pulled out! lol
It was done smoothly, but it hurt for a week or so, and still does not feel right now. I ate everything by one side of my teeth, then, I found out that I cannot eat noodles only using one side of teeth...! So I gave up pasta and udon for a couple of weeks. The other day I went to the dentist and they said "You can brush your teeth as usual", so at last I ate pasta! It was soooooo delicious X)

Now, talking about SL, I'm going to start creating my next new dance for Halloween. Maybe I wrote the same thing last time? Well, never mind!
But I have one worry. In the middle of this October, I will stand on a stage in RL. That's why I can't repeatedly play the dance music until I finish the stage - if I did so I'd be obsessed with the music and forgot the songs for the RL stage. So, I wonder which I'd do, instead of selecting dance animations, brushing up the dance structure and my LSL script skills, or creating a new product or a hunt prize for the Halloween event of japan canvas SIM....
Around middle of this month, my photographer took a profile picture of this month. This time, I used my new head - Genus Baby - which I'm also planning to use at the Halloween dance, so you can peek my new face a little earlier lol. It's really interesting that there are various features among heads! I'd like to finish shapes for all of the heads in my inventory, including CHIBIT, so that you'll feel "It's Kyrie" whenever you see me. And! Last week, I helped ANC's new product. It's really fun to work or finish one item together with someone! The new item is a lovely umbrella gacha, and I feel you can use any of them whatever occasion. I'm glad if you try one at the Salem Event :)

Well, that's all for today.
I probably post a new page next month as if I remembered suddenly lol, so I must say in advance, "I appreciate you for your patience".
Anyway, see you soon and please take the best care of yourself!