Thank You for Coming to Japonica 2024 Summer Round - 2024/07/22

一言コメント / Short Message
*English message is written below the Japanese one.*

Japonica 2024 Summer Roundが無事閉幕しました。


また、割とすぐに夏の御朱印イベントが始まります。BAROQUED SIMも開放され、フォトブースや夏物の出店なども用意されるようですので、お参りのついでに寄っていらしてくださいね!

Japonica 2024 Summer Round is now closed successfully.
Thank you for coming and enjoying this shopping event.

I took many photos for this round too!
With a short message, I created photo pages for each series, so I'm glad if you take a look as a memory of this summer.

By the way, Summer Goshuin Event will soon start. BAROQUED SIM will open again, where photo booths and summer stalls are waiting for you. So I'm glad if you stop by while you collect our goshuin stamp texture!

Fantasy Scenes


Since this is SL, I enjoyed "Japan" in fantasy worlds.
1: The new garden of The Outer Garden matched so well with this theme, so I fluttered down.
2: In the water. Koi and dragon have a certain meaning when it's used for tattoo in Japan, but sometimes we'd like to drawn into such danger, right?
3: Before it becomes evil. Gashadokuro is my guardian angel.

Now-Past Daily Life


Now and past daily life. I picked up some scenes that will never change through the ages.
1: A nostalgic, typical house in Japan. I wonder if my grandmother spent her youth like this.
2: The entrance of a Japanese gastropub might be like this, in my imagination.
3: With the Heian-era background, I assume how we feel must be always same when we wait for our dear.

Enjoying Exotica


Because I thought we should enjoy "Japan" in a foreign land too and I wanted to travel, I was off to vacances lol
Lazy morning, relaxing afternoon, and special dinner... what a luxuary day.

Pray for This Summer


If God and Buddha are helpless, I'd pray to Oni demons or devils. It's not a lie when I say I'd offer anything I can, but the cost would surely be out of my imagination.