Thank you for coming to Re:ON "After Halloween Party" Show! - 2023/11/08


*English message is written below the Japanese one.*


Re:ON『After Halloween Party』公演にご来場くださった皆様、たくさんのお心遣いもいただきまして、誠にありがとうございました!

今回、私は『Enchanted - Wonder Gives a Magic』を披露いたしました。
そして、今回のポスターはJaponicaでいつもお世話になっているKamoさんとZambrotta Zadarkさんにお願いさせていただきました!秋らしさ満載で、お祭りの楽しい雰囲気が伝わってくるような素敵なポスターに仕上げていただいて、本当に感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです。なかなか新作にしても旧作の見直しにしても、アニメーションに衣装にスクリプトにと作業が山積みで、ポスターまで自分で仕上げるのは難しいことが多いので、こうして「協力するよ!」とお声がけいただけることが本当にありがたいな、と思っています。冬のJaponicaでしっかりお返しせねばですね!

Fairの『Uninvited Party』では、今回生贄役としてキルケさんにご協力いただきました。毎回生贄役が違うので、その時その時でちょっと雰囲気が変わるのが面白いですよね。キルケさんは、怖がりながらもどこか興味津々そうに見えたのですが、はたして…?!
Subaruの『Promise ~ハロウィンの夜に会いましょう~』は、現実のニュースでよく見る話とおとぎ話が入り混じったような世界観で、油断大敵!な演目でしたね。今回はなかなかに衝撃的なラストでしたが、また来年のハロウィンも二人が出会える世界線があったらいいな、なんて思いました。とりあえず、「お菓子大事」、と心に刻みこまねば…!
Yopiの『ICE QUEEN』は、Re:ONのカフェシアターで披露した演目でしたので、今回初めてご覧になった方も多かったのではないでしょうか?氷の魔人(?)姿は特に、美しさと冷徹さが共存しているような感じがして、まさに「ICE QUEEN」だなぁと思いながら見ていました。その後の世界も気になりますね!



Thank you so much for coming to the Re:ON "After Halloween Party" show and for your generous support a lot!
This time we featured Halloween acts. How did you see it?
Due that you visited us in your favorite costume, I was like, "Oh such a zombie! What a witch! A lot of scary-cute audience...!," so I also enjoyed with you, especially in our team dance. I hope to hold a peformance like this again, in which we'd be able to have fun together.

Now, let me talk about my act.
This time, I showed "Enchanted - Wonder Gives a Magic".
It was created a few years ago, but since there were not many opportunities to do this act at Re:ON, maybe this might be your first time to see it. The set was built by LUNA as usual. At the premiere, I said "I also want to make a baking-sweet-potato magic ver for fun!", but the theme was Thanksgiving, it became a pumpkin magic lol. I also created a Christmas ver, so if there is a chance, I'd like to remake it for Re:ON stage.
And, talking about this poster, I asked Kamo and Zambrotta Zadark to make it, who always take care of me in Japonica! I really appreciate their finishing this fantastic poster, with a lot of autumn elements and joyful atmosphere of the festival. Either when I'm working on a new dance or remaking an old one, I have a lot to check such as animations, costumes and scripts, so it's really difficult for me to draw even a poster by myself. Thus, I can't be too thankful for them who kindly say "I will help you!" I must repay them in Japonica winter round!

Here, I'll briefly write about other acts.
In Fair's "Uninvited Party", this time Kirke played the sacrifice. Because everytime it's played by a different person, it's interesting that the scene has its own atmosphere at that time. Kirke seemed to be frightened but somewhat curious. Was this true, or...?!
About Subaru's "Promise ~See you on Halloween night~", it was like a mixture of stories you often see in real news and fairytales, and we shouldn't let our gurad down when we see this act. The last scene was very shocking this time, but I wish if they could see again on the next Halloween night, in another world. Anyway, we should always be reminded as "prepare treat!"
About Yopi's "ICE QUEEN", it was first performed at Re:ON's Cafe Theater, so you might have not seen it before, maybe? Especially when she became an ice demon(?), beauty and coldness coexisted in her, so was exactly "ICE QUEEN". I'm also curious about the world after she was summonned!

Well, about Re:ON's future schedule, we are talking to release new acts in December and have a New-Year show in March, but as usual, it's just a plan lol.
We hope to hold one at least in January, so we're glad if you look forward to it.
Thank you so much again and see you next time!