Thank you for coming to Re:ON "Beginning 2022" Show! - 2022/03/23


*English message is written below the Japanese one.*


Re:ON「Beginning 2022」公演にご来場くださった皆様、誠にありがとうございました!

私は今回キリエ個人の演目として、新作の『Kaleidoscope - うつろいゆくおとめごころ』を披露いたしました。

まずはふぇあさんの『鷺草 2022』から。ふぇあさんの演目はいつ何を観ても物語の表現に長けていらっしゃるなぁと思うのですが、中でも泣かせに来る演目はピカイチですよね…!(笑)今回のリメイク版では、内容はそのままに、でも「ずっと一緒にいたい」という想いがより強く伝わってきた気がしました。
よぴさんの新作『One Day』は、始まりからよぴさんらしいコミカルさとシニカルさ満載で、「ドア開いたけどどうなるのだろう」と思っていたらノリノリダンス…!今書きながら音楽を思い出すだけでも、自然と体が揺れてしまいます(笑)あんなにウキウキ気分だったら、終わってしまったときのもの悲しさがわかる気がしますよね。。!
すばるさんの新作『Which do you like better?』は、バイノーラル録音が大活躍でしたね!右から左に次から次へとあんなに愛をささやかれたらくらくらしてしまいそうです(笑)また、今回のすばるさんは、「ザ・乙女男子」という感じで、ちょっとずるいと思いました。私も学ばせてもらわねば。。。!
そして最後はふぇあさんの『Alice In Wonder Underground』!こちらの演目お好きな方も大勢いらっしゃるかと思いますが、私ももちろんその中の一人です。今回アリス役で参加させていただきましたが、チェシャ猫役のるなさんと衣装を決めているときのふぇあさんの心情は「彼女の買い物待ちの彼氏」だったそうです(笑)そんなに長かったかなぁ・・?




Thank you for coming to Re:ON "Beginning 2022" show!
We staff members were relieved to be able to hold both dates as scheduled. How did you see it?

For me, I released "Kaleidoscope - adolescent girl's heart" as Kyrie's act.
I was longing to create this one by using my favorite classical piece "Je deux" someday and succeeded to finish it this time. It became one of the acts in which I could express what and in the way I'd like to do so. Of course it's not enough only by myself to achieve it. Thus I really appreciate the great help from my friends. Thank you so much...!
Also I'm really glad if you enjoy this act too.

Now let me talk about the entire show!
First, Fair's "Sagisou 2022". I feel he's talented at expressing a story whenever I see his act, especially the one that makes us cry...! lol In this 2022 version, the story itself was same but I sensed his hope "to be with her forever" stronger than former version.
About Yopi's new act "One Day", it started comically and synically, that was really her style! When I wondered "what happens next, now the doors opened", they started to dance excitingly! My body sways even now, writing this KyWords, remembering the music lol You'd understand why they became sad when it finished, since they were so cheerful..!
Then Subaru's new act "Which do you like better?" He made the most of binaural recording! You'd heard love message from right to left, one after another... I'd be almost fainted lol Also, this time he became the typical "girlish boy"... I was a little jealous XD I should learn from him...!
And the last one, Fair's "Alice In Wonder Underground"! I suppose many of you would love this act, so do I. This time I joined as Alice. When I decided the costume with Luna who also appeared as Cheshire Cat, Fair said he was like "a boyfriend who are waiting for his girlfriend's shopping" lol I didn't think we took such long time, hmmm..?

After the show, it's the Re:ON style to chat with staff members (and it lasts even after we say "good night" 3 times!). This time we talked about next show plan.
At this moment, we'd prepare to be able to hold a show in summer.
We will do our best so that we'd be able to entertain you, so we are glad if you visit us again.
Thank you so much and see you next time!

(The photos - with flower gifts. Thanks a lot!)