Thank you for coming to Club IMAGE's guest stage! - 2022/02/27
*English message is written below the Japanese one.*
*English message is written below the Japanese one.*
昨日のClub IMAGE様のショーにご来場くださった皆様、誠にありがとうございました!
私の演目に関しましては、今回、新作の『Kaleidoscope - うつろいゆくおとめごころ』を披露いたしました。この演目は、私がIMAGE様に所属していたころに楽曲とテーマだけぼんやりと決めて作りたいなぁと考えていたものでした。昨年末、Re:ONのスタッフ内で新年公演の話題が出たときに、やろうかなぁと思っていたところ、IMAGE様からゲスト出演のお声がけをいただき、「これは天からの思し召し…!」と、制作することに決めました。
Thank you those who visited Club IMAGE's show yesterday!
Some of you visit many theaters, some cheer me up every time, and others might see me for the first time. How did you see the entire show and me yesterday?
I feel IMAGE is good at performing "Cool" acts, which I rarely challenge. So this time I looked them carefully from rehearsal. Let me write about each acts by a word or two, though it'll be a little long.
About Sakura's act, I really love the burlesque-like colors! And it was beautiful that particles made curves that seem a gold pearl necklace. Also I thought she was expressing a conflict that she can't say what she wants to say when the mouth objects moved rhythmically with the song.
About Xia's act, there were two scenes. Both were made in a way that connected to each other, so changing the set didn't cause a feeling of strangeness. That was really good...! Also it was interesting that he left "What?" signboard last while others fell down, and I loved milky-way particles too.
About Setsuna's act, it was a constellational one and I saw it when she released it at an event. I really love her fantasy stages. I can't say one word or two to talk about her performance, but I studied how to manage time of hourse's jumping and dance structure at the sanctuary(?) scene.
I could not see much about Sakuya's act because it was right before mine. But I thought he used color effects instead of changing the entire set to express each atmosphere. Today's show stages are likely to rely on a big set, but I respected him to create his dance in such a simple way and attracted audience. I also want to get back to basics and make something like him.
Layra's stage was a team dance, which was well created in a way she interestingly reflected today's young society (that sounds like I'm old lol) and entertained audience! I have few experience to create a dance for audience, so I saw hers by thinking those who were dancing with her and those who saw it in a seat would enjoy together in this way.
Here again I appreciate their giving me such a special occasion!
About mine, I released a new act "Kaleidoscope - adolescent girl's heart". Well, this was one that I was thinking to create by deciding a song and vague theme when I belonged to IMAGE. Late last year, when Re:ON staff members talked about our new year's show, I started to consider creating it. Then, IMAGE invited me as a guest dancer, so I thought maybe it was "God's voice...!" and decided to finish this act.
Two weeks for animation works, and another two weeks for other works, that means about one month to create this stage. But I could finish it without any compromise. I'm glad if you enjoyed it.
Also, here I'd like to appreciate my creation team members' hard works - Luna who I begged to finish stage set while she's busy in RL and SL; Kaoru who always takes fantastic promotional pictures; momo who always creates my shape following my request "I want Kyrieholy-ish one!"; and Natume who always mixes and adjusts a song as my image. Thank you all!
Well, my next work is remaking this to Re:ON's stage in March...! lol
I received a lollipop as a treat (you see it in a picture!), so I'll start it after enjoying my private time shortly.
That's all, thank you and see you soon!
.:+*KEY ITEMS*+:.
.* *:..Silvery K..:*: gin Fhang *.
Sparkling Slip Dress(Maitreya)FatPack
- Fat Pack Menu: Main 3
- Lace: Main Lace 2, Decorative Lace 6
.* dust bunny: Noel Bunny *.
blooming holdables . lollipop . type c
Exile: Daphne (A) - HUD: Color 102, Style 4
Watermelon: Polyana Body (Candy)
Bauhaus: Marlene Shoes - HUD: Shoes 8, Metals 1
Cae: Mariposa Stud Earrings - HUD: Metal 3, Gem 9
Nova: Maria (Silver)
Lomomo: Fur cape - HUD: Belt 2, Fur 1, Frill 2
LeLUTKA: Halle - Head 3.1 & Eyes 3.1 & Teeth 3.1
Maitreya: Lara - Body V5.3
Boataom: Namwan 'Albina'
- Options: LightBrown & Orignal-Small
Shiny Stuffs: Darling Lashes Lel 3.0 - HUD: Top 5 (Thin)
Shiny Stuffs: Lashful Lel Evo 3.0 - HUD: Bottom 7 (Thick)
Shiny Stuffs: Spirited Wings 10
Shiny Stuffs: Face kit lip tint white 80% - Colored: #f38b96
Shiny Stuffs: Face kit lip gloss topper 2
alme: Fancy Glitter (Blue) - HUD: Hand 3
IMAGE Theater: Image (183,33,2021)