Sunflower Field - 2021/08/18


xLUNAx Pienaar

*::.who what.::*: konohana (105,35,34)


*English message is written below the Japanese one.*



ちょうど一週間前くらいに、*::.who what.::*のるなさんから「一緒にお写真撮りませんか?!」とお誘いをいただきました!
「ここはどこだろう」と思ったら、*::.who what.::*の地上にるなさんが造ってくださったようで、海も空もこれがまたよく映えるのです。こんな風に、ぱっと楽しく気軽に撮影できる感じで景色を用意できるの、いつも本当にすごいなぁと思っています。





Hi all!
It's been so long since I posted last time.
How have you been?

This time, I'd like to write about my private time last week.
Last Tuesday, Luna of *::.who what.::* asked me "Why don't we take a photo together?!"
We have taken some photos together in the past, of course, but these days (maybe these years) we couldn't have time to do so. That's why I answered "Why not!" with a big smile and "flew" to her XD There I found a fantastic sunflower field in front of me!
I wondered "where is here". To tell the truth, Luna created it on *::.who what.::*'s ground level, and it matched very well with blue sea and blue sky! I really admire her who always creates a scenery where we can easily stop by and take a photo.

The photo at the top of this post was taken by Luna. She looked very pretty with the straw hat! I hoped to be like her and put on a different one... which resulted in a daughter of this farm lol. I just imagine a story that I handed out some sunflowers to the well-off girl who was visiting here for the summer by saying, "Gift for you! I'm glad if you take good care of them".
The photo is also great because it's color shows it like the one on an album :D
Anyway! We really had a great time (when we noticed it was already 3 AM!). Thank you Luna!

This month I had a lot to do in SecondLife (maybe quad as usual!). That means I had a lot of enjoyable time samely, but also was worn out to put an energy to write a post here.... It would still take time, although there are many other photos and private stories I'd like to introduce.
I also want to change a design of KyWords in the future (really in the future), so I'll try my best to move on little by little.
Well, please stay safe and hoping to see you soon!

(I really wished to take a photo with shadows, but as usual, my viewer crashed right after I press a shutter button. Thus I took some by screenshot. You can find them with a smaller size at the bottom, so I'm glad if you enjoy them too. But please don't enlarge them so much lol)


.:+*KEY ITEMS*+:. (A to Z)

.* *::.who what.::* by xLUNAx Pienaar *.
(Store/ Flickr / Twitter)
Summer Frill- 16.sandal(Pale yellow)
Summer Frill Gacha- RARE. -frill skirt bear


Moon: Molly Hair - Texture: COLOR 1 19
cheezu: poppy dress - Texture: A2

Mikunch: wide brimmed straw hat - plain / ribbon
- Textures: Base d & Ribbon h
amias: SEPTEMBER gift anklet


LeLUTKA: Fleur - Head 3.1 & Teeth 3.1

Maitreya: Lara - Body V5.3 & Petite V1.1

Boataom: Namwan 'Albina'
- Options: LightBrown & Orignal-Small


NIMU: Cutie lashes - Texture: 1
LeLUTKA: EvoX 3.1 Bottom Lash - Texture: 10
Shiny Stuffs: Dreamy Shadow 1
Shiny Stuffs Face kit lip tint white 80% - Colored: #ff4400
Shiny Stuffs: Face kit lip gloss topper 2

Stardust: Hanako & Hana - White + Blush 75%

alme: Color Drops Clear - Shape: Stiletto Short
- Textures: 3, 1, 2, 2, 1
alme: Summer Gift Glossy - Texture: Foot3

Stardust: Friendship Bento Poses Gift
LeLutka: EvoX (f) 3.1 HUD - Option: Eyes
LeLutka: Axis HUD Face - Option: Mouth
