Update - 2021/03/13
*English message is written below the Japanese one.*
そんな私の英語を、雰囲気はそのままに、自然な言い回しにチェックを入れてくださったAllegory Malapropさん、Katat0nik Pidgeonさん、テストプレイにご協力くださったDevinVaughnさん(シナリオで分かりにくいところも指摘してくださいました!)に、ここで感謝申し上げたいと思います。本当にありがとうございました!
次回(今回?)のRe:ON公演で、以前からずっとずっとずーーーーーっとやりたかった、アラビア風の演目の改変を行っています。今回もセットや演出はxLUNAx Pienaarさんが担当してくださっています。
そして、男性用の衣装はgin Fhangさんにご協力をいただきました。制作当初(2013年か2014年くらい)から、男性の衣装のイメージにまさにぴったりな、球体関節人形の写真を見つけていたのですが、それに合わせにいく力が当時は今以上に私には足りなくて・・・。昨年ぎんさんに機会があってご相談したところ、快く引き受けてくださったのです!とてもイメージ通りの衣装に仕上げてくださって、こちらもなんとお礼申し上げていいかわかりません。
Hi all!
Today it rained so hard around the evening, then suddenly stopped and became silent.... Maybe this was what we call a "spring storm"?
A weather forecaster says it'll be sunny tomorrow. I hope tomorrow to be warm a little and comfortable to live, although I have no plan to go out.
Well, this time I'll write about my recent events.
The first one is the KAGAMI game...!
We were so sorry to have kept you waiting, but finally we could open the game area the other day. This postponing was due to our reasons, so I apologize it from my bottom of my heart. In return, however, we decided to extend the KAGAMI until around the end of this April, in order that you can enjoy our event more flexibly! So I'm glad if you make use of this duration for playing the game, shopping, taking pictures, and walking :D
Also, because we set the highest priority on opening our game, players might be confused about staying in the SIM and getting used to our own game system, by asking you to reduce script memories and turning on media. It's about a week since we opened the game, but we already got many messages from those who had no trouble and had problems to start the game. We'll see the causations of those problems for a while, and if possible, we will improve our game system. So please come back whenever you want to.
Oh yes, and if you give us "heartful" comments, we'd become eager to consider it. So please be nice when you fill in the questionnaire...! lol
One more thing about KAGAMI - I was in charge of English translation. The scenario was really a beautiful story, which was enjoyable to translate in English...! But I was suffered to find the best English phrases and make mistakes in grammars because I'm not a native speaker....
So, I'd like to appreciate Allegory Malaprop and Katat0nik Pidgeon's great help, who checked and brushed up my English translations in a more natural way, and DevinVaughn's joining the English playtest and teaching us what point was difficult to understand in the scenario. Thank you all!
I'm sure you'd be able to enjoy the scenario and movies in beautiful English when you play the game!
And next, about my dance act for the next stage...!
I'm now trying to remake the Arabian-style act which I was longing soooo much to brush up for years. This time too, stage sets and effects are made and directed by xLUNAx Pienaar.
It is more difficult to improve an act by technically "modernizing", without changing the original image, than to make a new act. But Luna senses the image perfectly every time, which I always appreciate. About this remaking, we already finished most parts of the set and are talking about stage effects now. And I knew I lacked imagination for not being able to come up with any good idea although I've been hoping to "brush up at least particles, even if it's difficult to improve the sets"...!
Also, gin Fhang helped me with the male costume. When I first made this act (in 2013 or 2014), I already found the perfect doll image for the male costume. But I had less ability to match clothings in SL at that time than now.... Last year, I had a chance to talk about this act with her, and she kindly accepted to help me! She finished it perfectly in my image, and I again can't thank her too much.
I strongly feel I'm supported by a lot of people, including the audience, when I create an act. I'll try my best on rest of this remaking so that you'd be able to enjoy, so I'm glad if you look forward to it.
There really were a lot of things I'd like to tell you here. Please forgive me writing this long post!
I also added the official information about KAGAMI and Re:ON below, so please check them if you like.
Thank you so much and see you next time!
KAGAMI: Website / Twitter
Re:ON: Website / Twitter / Discord