Furthest Light - 2020/11/23
The Outer Garden "祈りの最果て - The Furthest Light"
TheOuterGarden (214,226,2093)
*English message is written below the Japanese one.*
ご存知の方も多いでしょうが、外苑さんが新しいお庭『祈りの最果て - The Furthest Light』を公開されました。ずっと訪れたいと思っていましたが、ショーの準備やらなにやら色々で、なかなかゆっくり時間が取れず。ようやく落ち着いて、「あ!そういえば!行きたかったんだった!」と、真夜中に思い立って行ってまいりました!
Hi all!
November is going to be over and I can't believe it's soon turning into December.
I hope time passes by much more slowly... but it would be happy to be able to think like this.
Well! I went to sightseeing the other day!
You might know already, but the Outer Garden opened its new garden, "The Furthest Light". I've been hoping to visit there since then, but I had some things to do such as to prepare for the show.... Now those were all done and I finally got enough time to go there! So I did so at midnight by remembering "Oh! Well! I wanted to visit the new garden!"
This one was also full of the Outer Garden elements. I felt comfortable staying there by feeling warmth in the very darkness.... Also, as shown in its name, it really made me think to aim for the light placed at the edge of a far place.
Because of my GPU, my viewer crashes when I take a high-resolution picture with shadows, so the biggest size I can take with shadows is equal to my monitor size, like the picture below. But as the pictures above suggest, I could enjoy the location a lot without shadows!
This garden expresses a far world, and you'll be notified at the landing point, I recommend you to visit there with setting draw distance to 250m or longer. I also hope to go there to wander sometime soon. There must be some more detailed scenes which I couldn't find this time... I'm already excited!
If you have any recommended place that is beautiful or enjoyable to visit, please let me know! I appreciate it :D
Thank you so much and see you soon!