Happy June Bride! - 2020/06/18

*English message is written below the Japanese one.*
少し話はそれますが、NAMINOKEのたいこさんには、夏のホラーイベントでずっとお世話になっていまして、私のダンス制作でも一時ご協力いただいたことがありました。たいこさんは本当にたくさんのイベントに参加されていますが、今回のSOLA FESTAさんにも参加されていて、そんなエピソードとともに写真家さんにお伝えしたところ、「ではNAMINOKEさんのアイテムを撮影するとき、モデルはあなたにお願いしましょう」と言ってくださったのです。
実は、髪飾りはSOLA FESTAさんで出されているアイテムではありませんが、NAMINOKEさんのアイテムです。NAMINOKEさんはお花のアクセサリーの幅がすごく広くて、その日のファッションを少し豪華にしたかったり、アウトフィットに生花を取り入れたかったりするときなど、とても助けられています。
SOLA FESTAさんでは、ブーケに髪飾り、そしてドレスも!販売されているようですので、まだご覧になっていない方はぜひSOLA FESTAさんへ、そして普段使いからおしゃれ着までまさに「花」を添えてくれるたくさんの素敵なアイテムがある本店へも、お時間のある時に足を運ばれてみてくださいませっ。
NAMINOKE: Main Store / Flickr / Twitter
Hi all!
I think I said "I'd like to have a gelato" the other day. Now I had that opportunity! And you know, I've had one! XD
For a while I did "Which one, which one, this one, or that one?!", and I chose double. Here I couldn't choose too.... But I didn't regret! The both tasted very good and satisfied me a lot :D
Well, today is about my 3rd model work, "Wow, I became a bride?!".
Let me get off from the topic a little. Maybe you know taiko McCaw of NAMINOKE. She worked with me for the summer's horror events and for one of my dance work in the past. She joins really many events, and so does she about the SOLA FESTA this time. When I told my photographer about this episode, she kindly said "then I'll ask you to be a model when I take a photo of NAMINOKE's item."
And it was realized at this photo shooting. The dress the photographer gave me was "So beautiful... ah oh isn't it a wedding dress?!" With my heart jumping, I went to the studio... there she was just building a romantic chapel. While I dressed, set up my hair, and put on a veil, she finished the chapel and started the photo session.
All the photos were, as usual, full of imagination that makes us think about each background story. One was only me in the photo who walked down the aisle toward a groom. Another one was both of us in the photo which would be in a photo frame on a dining table in the future. Another one was both of us seemed to enjoy talking each other at the reception. And another one was each of us lastly thanked their friends for coming. She finished the photo with the atmosphere to be blessed, not heavy, heartwarming, and as bright as a pleasant sunny day.
"Something blue" was also found in my head flower, so I could enjoy such a happy bride moment.
Actually, the hair flower was not sold in the SOLA FESTA, but it's also an item from NAMINOKE. You can find a wide range of flower accessories at NAMINOKE, so they help me a lot whenever I want to make my look of the day a little more gorgeous, and to put on a lively fresh flower in my outfit.
At the SOLA FESTA, she sells some bouquets, hair accessories, and even dress!, so when you have time and if you have not visited yet, why don't you visit the SOLA FESTA, and also the main store which have many wonderful items that add a touch of "color" from casual to party outfit.
NAMINOKE: Main Store / Flickr / Twitter
About next KyWords, I'm still considering.
I hope to show the another photo of my May profile, but I think I'll write a different one.
So again it's going to be a surprise after I write up and you read!
Thank you and see you soon :D
.:+*KEY ITEMS*+:. (A to Z)
*N*Lily_Bouquet white
Fabiola / Pearl (Dress and Tiara)
Cinderella Rose Veil #1 / #Ble&S (Corsage)
{Limerence} Amaya hair(Rigged) (All natural)
Izzie's - Pearl Earrings white
GENUS Project - Baby Face W001 v1.6 (Head & Eyes & Jaws)
-Belleza- Isis V 5.2 BENTO
#Boataom :: Alyssa Genus Applier "Albina"
[PiAD] Eyelash Tres02 GENUS
#Boataom :: Spring Eyeshadow for Genus Applier
[PF] Emiri - GENUS HD LIPSTICK Applier (Ombre Gloss) (COLOR: Orange Porcelain)
Belleza Universal HUD V2.1 BENTO
Photo Studio
Ms. Kaoru Takeda