*English message is written below the Japanese one.*
先日は、Re:ON『Beginning 2020』にご来場くださり、誠にありがとうございました。
また、この公演で、正式に'ppff,がステージデビューいたしました。'ppff,としてユニット活動をするときは、今までキリエ個人のダンス制作でお手伝い(という域を超えていましたが)をお願いしておりました、*::.who what.::*のxLUNAx Pienaarさんと、一緒に演目を作り上げていくことになります。今までは、キリエの「あぁしたい」「こうしたい」という要望をしっかりとつかみ取って形にしてくれていましたので、今後は、ルナの「あぁしたい」「こうしたい」も、しっかりと形にできるように、私も頑張りたいと思いますし、もうすでに、「こんなことやりたい!」「あの曲いいよね!」と、話だけはたくさん出ていますので、二人の想像がどんな形で演目になっていくのか、とてもわくわくしています。
Hi all!
Thank you for coming to Re:ON "Beginning 2020".
I appreciate that we could welcome as many audience as it became full SIM, and so many of them joined us in the audience dance, so I could enjoy the time there too :D
This time, it was considered as a Happy New Year Special..., but the audience dance was the only act that matched with the theme - bright and fantastic! Well, what we showed were almost dark fantasies...? lol Ah yes, it could be regarded as "fantastic" in another sense, so it might be a typical Re:ON's first show of the year.
How did you see it?
Also, 'ppff, officially debuted at this show. Hereafter when I work as a unit member of 'ppff,, xLUNAx Pienaar of *::.who what.::*, who always helped (much more than helped!) Kyrie's personal act, will work as a unit member together to finish each act. Until now, she understood what I desired, and brought them into shape. So, I'd make efforts at my best to realize her desires in our dance. Actually, we already were talking "Can we do this idea?", "This music can be interesting!", and so on, so I'm very excited how we can fulfill our imaginations.
Of course, I will create my personal dance as Kyrie, but I'm glad if you also support 'ppff, and Kyrie as 'ppff,.
AND! While I was sending thank you messages, someone told me "I'm looking forward to reading your blog!"!!! I was very surprised, because I write nothing special and post as less as once a month.... But I was encouraged and very glad to know there really is someone watching me warmly.
I hope I can write messages more this year. Really.
Next Re:ON is... not decided! lol We'd rest a little, and hold a meeting sometime soon. There I think we will decide next show.
I will tell you here when we officially make an announcement.
Thank you so much and see you soon!
Hapy New Year 2020!