*English message is written below the Japanese one*
また、イベントにご協力いただいた店舗様(ABC順で、Air様、BOILDEGG様、NAMINOKE様、[[RH]]&[[MB]]様、sakka's studio様、*::.who what.::*様)も、様々なイベントでお忙しい中、たくさんのお力添えをいただき、本当にありがとうございました。
多くの店舗様が、現在開催中のORIENTILIKAにご参加されていますし、今月末から始まるNEO-JAPANや、来月開催のFantasy Faireに参加されるというお話もちらほら伺っています。
Hi All!
Thank you for coming to the last performance of the Japanese Folk Stories on 24th.
I was really glad that many people had made time for this 4th performance, and the SIM almost became full.
Today, Hakoniwa SIM will also close to public.
I become sad whenever an event closes, but I appreciate more that we could fulfill our event to the best extent possible, and that so many people enjoyed.
The future schedule of Re:ON will be announced officially soon, so after the announcement, I will update my schedule too.
The guest performers of this event, cossette', will have a performance, I think, in next month.
You can get the official information from the official HP, or the half-official Twitter.
Also, I'd like to thank all the cooperated stores of this event (in alphabetical order, Air, BOILDEGG, NAMINOKE, [[RH]]&[[MB]], sakka's studio, and*::.who what.::*), who helped us greatly while they had been very busy in preparing for their participating event(s).
Many of them are joining ORIENTILIKA, and some will put a new item on sale at NEO-JAPAN which will start at the end of this month, and some are preparing for a new item for the next month's Fantasy Faire.
Please get the information from the links above.
And, talking about Hakoniwa SIM, I heard it already has a plan to be leased to another event after this event is over. I'm really curious what the event will be like and when it will start...!
Why don't you look forward to the new event together?
Here again, thank you so much! Take care and see you soon!
(Some hours are left right after this post is uploaded, so if you have time, or if you have not got souvenirs yet, I hope you visit the SIM to enjoy exploring and shopping before closing.)
Hakoniwa Sightseeing
Profile Photo - 2019/02
*English message is written below the Japanese one*
先日は・・・初日は1日ですので、少し時間が経ってしまいましたが、箱庭SIMでの『物語のかけらⅢ - 日本昔ばなし編 -』にご来場下さり、誠にありがとうございました。
今回、私は『色失き記憶 - 日本昔話「竹取物語」より』を演じました。
実は、数年前のお話ですが、すでに違うイベントのために、衣装全てとセットの一部をたいこ(NAMINOKEのtaiko McCaw)さんから、ご協力いただいていたのですが・・・、そのイベントの延期・中止が決まってしまい、お蔵入りになってしまっていたのです。
そういうわけで、元々はソロダンスとして、他の人物は全て(ご覧になった方はご存知かと思いますが)2Dの影絵で終わる予定だったのですが、急遽、この規模ですもの、3Dで動きをつけたいと思い、サイドのお一人として、箱庭SIMのオーナー、やずー(Yazoo Rang)さんにお願い申し上げることとなったのです。やずーさんは、心からサイドダンサーとしてのご参加を楽しんで下さり、私が制作で切羽詰まっている状況も察してくださり・・!、「衣装こんなのを考えたよ!」と、積極的にご提案下さいました。本来ならば私から衣装をお伝えせねばならないのでしょうが、私が決めるよりもはるかに役柄に合うお衣装だったと思います!
そして、私がアニメーションを20個くらい・・?制作している間に、しっかりとセット・パーティクルなど、舞台美術を作り上げて下さったのが、いつものごとくるなさん(*::.who what.::*のxLUNAx Pienaarさん)です・・・!るなさんは、いつも私の擬音語と擬態語と指示語(こそあど言葉)の羅列から、意図をどうしてか(本当に不思議です)くみ取って下さって、最終的に私が明言しなかった、心のどこかで思っていたであろうことまで察して、「こう動かしたらこうなりますし、こういう意図ならこうできます!」というご提案までくださいますなんということでしょう!「その能力私にも・・!ちょっと分けて。。!」と思ったことは数知れません(笑)最初に『Kyrie I - Forgive』でご協力いただいたときから数年経ち、今では阿吽の「阿」を私より先に見つけてきてくださる、本当に私の舞台には欠かせない方です。
次は、今回のゲストのお一人で、cossette'のyopikopp Yoshikawaさんによる『雪女』でした。よぴさんとは、長年ずっといつかご一緒したいと思っていましたので、今回それが叶ってすごく嬉しかったのです。よぴさんのダンスは心に強く印象が残る表現が多く、今回の演目も、霜の表現からリアルで背筋に寒気を感じたり、急に立ち止まってこちらを見つめるアニメにどきっとさせられたり、その後の独特な音楽の中の力強く美しい「舞」・・・!数えればきりがありません。スタッフは客席から離れた場所で拝見していましたので、光源が届かなかったことが残念でしたが、またいつか、間近で拝見できる日を楽しみにしたいと思っています。
そして、皆さん大好き、Re:ONのFair Saeedによる『桃太郎』!テロップで「桃を拾いますか・・?」と問いかけられていたのは斬新で、まさか拾わなかったパターンをやる?!と思ってしまったのは内緒です(笑)演目は鬼ヶ島に着いたところから始まりましたが、鬼の屈伸準備体操、きび団子ボールによる召喚獣の色仕掛け・・!最後は、スタッフによると、「味方もろとも葬り去って」お宝独り占めですよ!これ以上ない喜劇ですね。
そして演目の最後が、もうお一人のゲスト、cossette'のKazusa Yoshikawaさんによる『鶴の恩返し』。かずさままは、細部の表現力が本当に素晴らしくて、表情、口の動き、手指の動き、いかに「実際の動きと違和感なく自然に見えるか」を追求されている姿勢を本当に尊敬しています。今回の『鶴の恩返し』では、曲のもの悲しさに実感を持って伝えることの大変さが表現者の一人として分かりますので(下手をすれば、しらけてしまいますもの)、私はもちろん、まだその域まで達しておりませんので、いつかままの100分の1でもいいから、たどり着きたいと思いながら拝見していました。そうですね、まずは「泣く」アニメ作りから・・・。私は顔に手を合わせてうつむくだけでしたが、ままはさすがです、ちゃんと肩が上下したり、震えたりする様子が泣かせに来ています・・・!時間がないとか時間がないとか嘘でしょう・・!と思わず言いたくなってしまいました(笑)。
Hi all!
Thank you for coming to the "Collective Tales III - Japanese Folk Stories" show at the Hakoniwa SIM.
We tried very hard to open the show in February, but perhaps due to the maintenance, we could not solve the system troubles - that's why we sincerely appologize again that we decided to postpone this event to March.
Despite of the decision, we really appreciate that the show finished with such success that we held an additional show by being able to welcome a lot of audience...!
Also, I was very glad to recieve heartwarming messages about the show by direct voices at the show, replies for my thank you message, and some messages on SNS.
The next performance is... not decided yet, since we just finished this show lol But we will work hard again, so we're glad if we can see you there.
From here, talking a little about my dance work.
This time, I performed "Colorlost Memory - From the Japanese Folk Story 'The Tale of the Bamboo-Cutter'".
To tell the truth, I was going to show this act at the different year some years ago, so tako McCaw of NAMINOKE already helped me with all of my costumes and some sets. But the event staffs were forced to postpone, and later cancel the show, and I could not use the set in public.
Then, this time Re:ON decided to hold an event with the theme of "Japanese Folk Stories". I thought "this must be a good occasion!" and contacted taiko. She kindly allowed me to use the set in this event!
I really shouted "Yaaaay!" for short time... because, the stage size of the canceled event was decided and small enough. But this time I must use about a quarter of a SIM, including decoration for the scenery and stage... which was really confusing how to remake my act! lol I could not finish it by "making everything - avatar and sets - bigger!", so I had to check my composition from the very first scene.
That's why I made this act with 2 side dancers. At first, it was a solo dance, and (as some of you already know) the other characters were to appear as 2D shadow pictures. But with this scale given, I hoped to move some characters with 3D, and I asked Yazoo Rang, the Hakoniwa SIM's owner, to join me as one of the two real side dancers. He enjoyed dancing with me from the bottom of his heart, and "sensed" he would not be able to rely on me due to my creating situation...! So, he actively proposed me about his costumes as saying "This is my idea, what do you think?!". Although I was supposed to tell him what to use for his costumes, but his idea must have been by far better fitted with his character than mine!
And... while I was creating about 20? posing/dancing animations, xLUNAx Pienaar of *::.who what.::* finished my sets and particles as perfectly as usual...! She always somehow (I really wonder how) picks up my intension from a series of my echoic, imitative, and reference words (such as this and that). And, surprisingly, in the end she senses what I did not clearly say but must have had as an idea in my mind by proposing, "It can become this by moving blah blah blah, and also we can make it be that if your intension is blah blah blah!" Amazing! Countless times I thought "Please give me a portion of your ability...!" lol Some years has passed since we worked together at my "Kyrie I - Forgive", and now she is my best creative partner who finds my will and image before than me.
Well, here I will tell about each acts.
The first one was "Urashima and the Kingdom Beneath the Sea" by Re:ON's yuicandy. She showed me one time before she finished this act. And the final dance was graceful and beautiful and really told she was a princess under the sea, and everyone would nod that the hero of this story hoped to stay with her forever. I was glad to see her effort, and looking forward to her future works! I'm bad at "graceful" dances to death, so this expression will become one of her good characteristics.
The next one was "The Snow Woman" by one of this event's guests, yopikopp Yoshikawa from Show & Lounge cossette'. I have been longing to work with her together, so I was very glad that my wish had come true this time. Yopi's dances are full of impressive expressions. About this act, I really felt coldness in real by seeing frost, my heart skipped a beat every time she suddenly stopped and swung her head toward the audience, and after the scene with interesting music, her "dance" was with both strength and beauty...! I cannot tell them all. The staff members watched each act away from the audience seat, so it was sad that the lighting effect did not reach. But I hope to work with her again someday with very a close position.
And, my "Taketori" act, so let's skip.
Then, your favorite, Re:ON's Fair Saeed "the Adventures of Momotaro"! The introduction interestingly asked us "would you pick up the peach..?", so I thought he might do the story where the old couple did not pick up the peach?! lol The actual dance started from the time the hero arrived at the Oniga Shima, an island where bad ogres lived, followed the ogres' warm-up, calling his companions by kibi balls (surprisingly they were female lol), and the companions' amorous net...! The last was, according to the staff members, he "killed them all including the companions" and enjoyed the treasure only by himself! What a comedy lol
The last act was performed by another guest, Kazusa Yoshikawa from again cossette'. The story was "The Grateful Crane". Kazusa-mama is a dancer who sticks meticulously to her avatar's motion, including facial expressions and finger movements. I admire her because she persues "how she can create her act as natural as possible so that it has less differences with the real movement". This time, the music was very sad melody, which can make a dancer harder to tell a tragedy..., because s/he needs to bring the realization much more than other musics, otherwise the audience would easily find it very "funny". I have not reached enough to use the tragic melody yet, so I saw her act with growing my wish to get one hundredth of her technique someday. Well, maybe I have to start with making "crying" animation.... I created the one only by bringing hands to face and looking at the ground. But Kazusa-mama, yes this is why she is "she", created the animation by moving the shoulders up and down and trembling... so that the audience can cry!!! I was almost to say "It must be a lie that she said she had no time, no time, no time!" lol
The ending was by Subaru7 from Re:ON. The dance was very cute and heartwarming. You might not know, but for various reasons we had to make an abrupt decision to let him join us in late February. But his creation speed was so incredible that it might be he that finished the dance before anyone else. Despite that he used many shiny stars and heart particles, the dance matched with male avatars too, so I think the audience went back to home with smile.
Wow! This post became the longest one even without a photo! Maybe I'm not good at dividing what to tell lol
The Hakoniwa SIM will be open to public by 26th. Now I can go there and see, purchase from some stores, and enjoy there!
You'd like to see me enjoying there..? Well, maybe next time!
*English message is written below the Japanese one*
本日と、3/7に、『物語のかけらⅢ - 日本昔ばなし編 -』公演を開演致します!
主催はRe:ONですが、ゲストにShow & Lounge cossette'のKazusa Yoshikawaさんと、yopikopp Yoshikawaさんをお迎えして、オープニング・エンディング合わせると、7演目という豪華な内容になっています。
Visualive Theatre Re:ON
『物語のかけらⅢ - 日本昔ばなし編 -』
Hakoniwa (120, 150, 1512)
22:30 開演(22:00 開場)
Fair Saeed Kyrieholy Subaru7 yuicandy
Kazusa Yoshikawa (Show & Lounge cossette')
yopikopp Yoshikawa (Show & Lounge cossette')
Natsume Frog
Visualive Theatre Re:ON
Hi All!
I'm really sorry that I could not announce the information about today's show.
My dance is almost finished some minutes ago, so I'm writing this blog now.
Today and on March 7th, we will hold the dance show event "Collective Tales III - Japanese Folk Stories -"!
This is presented by Re:ON, and we welcome special guests, Kazusa Yoshikawa and yopikopp Yoshikawa, from Show & Lounge cossette'.
There will be 7 acts including opening and ending. The stories are Urashima Taro, Yuki Onna, Taketori Monogatari, Momotaro, Tsuruno Ongaeshi. I'd like to keep it secret to tell which one is performed by which dancer... maybe it's on the official homepage though? lol
Each dancer tells/performs his/her story differently, so you'd be able to enjoy the variety too.
We made the ending dance as you can dance together - of course you can keep sitting on the audience seat if you prefer. The ending dance will be performed where stores hold market and some of them put a special gift too...!!!
We keep the SIM free for walking after the show, so if you have time please enjoy exploring and shopping :D
Visualive Theatre Re:ON
"Collective Tales III - Japanese Folk Stories -"
Hakoniwa (120, 150, 1512)
2019/3/1 (FRI) / 2019/3/7 (THUR)
Fair Saeed Kyrieholy Subaru7 yuicandy
Kazusa Yoshikawa (Show & Lounge cossette')
yopikopp Yoshikawa (Show & Lounge cossette')
Natsume Frog
Official Homepage (in Japanese)
*Because of stage effects, DETACH face lights and heavy scripts.
*Because of the show preparation, please visit us AFTER the doors open.
*Camera-Control System*
The camera-control system is introduced this time, as a guide for each stage location.
To eneble the system camera position, please press ESC twice and Ctrl+Num9 once.
Please use Ctrl+Alt+L-Click to control your camera during the performance.
*Recommended Graphic Settings*
Draw Distance: 96+
Windlight: ON
Avatar Complexity: Max
Avatar Name Tag: OFF / Temporary
Looking forward to seeing you soon!