Star Festival 2019 at the japan canvas SIM!
*English message is written below the Japanese one*
japan canvas SIMの『星まつり - Star Festival 2019』に参加しています。
ちなみにハントのポーズは、『Dessine-moi un mouton !(羊の絵を描いて!)』です。
また、今回ADのアウトフィットがなかなか決まらなくて・・・!たくさんの時間をかけて、一緒に探して下さったmomo Beattyさんに、この場を借りて御礼申し上げます。ご存知の方も多いことと思いますが、ももさんはブロガーをされていて、色んなお写真拝見しては、あぁこんな風に撮りたい・・・!と思うことがとても多いのです。お時間ある方はぜひ、Flickrを覗いてみてくださいね。
Hi all!
It's been humid these days in Japan. I feel the air contains lots of water at my house's corridor, like, in the dressing room of pool, or the sauna. You know, I cannot turn on the air conditioner for the corridor.
I do not know how the weather is at your place, but please take the best care of yourself.
Now, information of my store .:+*Holy+Sun*+:..
I join "Star Festival 2019" at the japan canvas SIM.
Many stores released (releases) new items related with stars, planets, and Tanabata. The decors of the event location are also full of stars, such as the Tanabata lounge and step-on star floor. You can also sit on a seesaw above the lounge!
And, we hold a hunt this time too. More prizes might be coming during the event. Maybe not lol. This time the hunt area is as wide as the 3 SIMs, so we are happy if you come back many times for the hunt and checking prizes!
About my new item, I made the BENTO poses set "Le Petit Prince", which I came up as I heard the word "star". I picked up some illustrations from the book, and named it with the original French text near it. I think it could be interesting to find what it means in English, by reading the book again lol
Talking about the prize pose for the hunt, it is "Dessine-moi un mouton ! (Draw me a sheep!)".
By the way, it was difficult to prepare for the costume for the AD this time...! I'd like to appreciate momo Beatty, who spent a lot of time and helped me deciding the outfit. I think many of you may know her, but she is a blogger and whenever I see her photos I think I'd like to take a picture like her. If you have time and are interested in, please check her Flickr.
I will take pictures of the event location and write about other participants next time... maybe.
Now, enjoy the Star Festival!
.:+*KEY ITEMS*+:. (A to Z)
*katat0nik* (gold) Cloud Hair
.*H+S*.LePetitPrince:CeParavent? .*Copy*.
.*H+S*.LePetitPrince:DessineMoiUnMouton! .*Copy*.
Addams // Irina Suit Jacket // Maitreya (Sky Blue)
Addams // Leda Hoodie Sleeveless // Maitreya (Salmon)
Stories&Co. Mina Dress - Off White Maitreya
Bowtique - Cozy Boots (Maitreya)
::K:: Bandana Scarf Femme
LAQ Bento - Poppy 3.05 (Head & Eyes)
Maitreya Mesh Body - V4.1 (Lara & Bento Hands & Feet)
7 Deadly s[K]ins - LIEF omega FACE&BODY snow
NOX. Virginia Shadow [LAQ Applier HUD]
[PF] LAQ LIPSTICK Applier - Sweet Nectar Lipgloss
::C'est la vie !:: Soonah Leggings (#2) HUD - Maitreya Appliers
alme. Pantone SS17 - Shine A - HUD [Wear me!]
星まつり - Star Festival 2019: japan canvas (132,98,2022)