Afterwords - Star Festival 2019

*English message is written below the Japanese one.*

japan canvas SIMの星まつり2019、先日無事閉幕いたしました。

今回のスタッフは、SIMオーナーが*Arts&Gear*のAlfal Lingさん、主催が*::.who what.::*のxLUNAx Pienaarさん、景観が[Cinoe]のao75さん、サポートで*KOPI*のsurfash Badeさん、サブで私も手伝わせていただきましたっ。皆様にお楽しみいただけたようでしたら嬉しいです!

星まつりで出品されていた商品は、ほとんどのお店が本店に移動したのではないかと思います。私のポーズも、japan canvas SIMのお店に移動しましたっ。.:+*Holy+Sun*+:.のポーズDEMOは、少し風変りなDEMO機です。床にある額縁をタッチして、ダイアログからDEMOしてみたいポーズシリーズを選んで体験してみてくださいね!

これでjapan canvasの夏イベントは終わってしまいましたが、世の中はむしろこれからが夏本番、ですよね。私はSLのすいか祭につられて、すいか柄の部屋着をお買い上げしてしまいました・・・RLのお話です(笑)。これでSLもRLも夏を目いっぱい楽しめますね!皆さんも、暑さには気を付けつつ、RLSLの夏を楽しまれますように。

Hi all!
The Star Festival 2019 at the japan canvas SIM has successfully finished the other day.
It became fantastic two weeks for me, since a lot of customers came and enjoyed the event together. Especially, I was happy when I saw people moving here and there on the mini map, assuming they were looking for prizes! I really want to say thank you.

Talking about this event, the staff members were *Arts&Gear* Alfal Ling as the SIM owner, *::.who what.::* xLUNAx Pienaar as the event organizer, [Cinoe] ao75 as the main decorator, and *KOPI* surfash Bade as the entire support. I also helped as the sub event organizer, so I'm glad if you enjoyed the event!

Most of the new items seem to be found at the main store now. I also moved my new poses to the store at the japan canvas SIM. My store .:+*Holy+Sun*+:. offers a little interesting pose demo. Please touch the frame on the floor, and choose the pose you'd like to try demo from the dialog menu!
Also, a member really miss this event and she placed a gift somewhere in the SIM. I do not know when she would take it away, so please visit the SIM again as early as possible if you'd like to get one.

So, this is the end of the japan canvas's Summer event, but in RL Summer IS coming. Because I see watermelons anywhere in SL, I was lured into buying the watermelon-pattern room wear... in RL lol. I mean, I'll enjoy Summer both in SL and RL! Hoping you enjoy Summer in RL and SL too, but do not forget to take care in these hot days :)

.:+*KEY ITEMS*+:. (A to Z)


*AG* BarMaidDress(fit)[SetB]
MOG*MOG hoshigeta // RARE2 (Maitreya beta)
*PSS* Mesh Nails HoshiMatsuri
*::.who what.::* -Star shabon earring- Gold

.*H+S*.LePetitPrince:Voila...C'estTout...R .*Copy*.



tram H0219 hair

Nova-- Maria -- Silver


LAQ Bento - Poppy 3.05 (Head & Eyes)
Maitreya Mesh Body - V4.1 (Lara & Bento Hands & Feet)


!Lumae LAQ & GAEG Omega - Elvi - T2 // Neutral (Wear)
! Lumae :: Body HUD 2018 // T2 (Wear)

~Le*Canon~: japan canvas (210,80,2002)